16 June 2013

Hilda Hilst


No me busques ahí
donde los vivos visitan
a los llamados muertos.
dentro de las grandes aguas
en las plazas
en el fuego corazón
entre caballos, perros,
en los arrozales, en el arroyo
o junto a los pájaros
o en el reflejo
de otro alguien,
subiendo un duro camino
Piedra, semilla, sal
pasos de la vida. Búscame ahí.

De: Da morte. Odes mínimas [1980]

(Traducido por Leo Lobos).

Extraído de aquí.


Do not look for me there
Where the living call upon
The so-called dead.
Look for me
Within the deep waters
In squares
Within a heart fire
Between horses, dogs,
In the ricefields, along the high bank
Or with the birds
Or mirrored
In someone else,
Climbing a hard path
Rock, seed, salt
Life's paths. Look for me there.


Não me procures ali
Onde os vivos visitam
Os chamados mortos.
Dentro das grandes águas
Nas praças
Num fogo coração
Entre cavalos, cães,
Nos arrozais, no arroio
Ou junto aos pássaros
Ou espelhada
Num outro alguém,
Subindo um duro caminho

Pedra, semente, sal
Passos da vida. Procura-me ali.

Hilda Hilst (Jaú, Brazil, 1930-2004). She was writing for almost 50 years, during which time she was awarded collected many of the most prestigious Brazilian literary prizes. In 1962 she won the Prêmio PEN Clube of São Paulo, for Sete Cantos do Poeta para o Anjo (Massao Ohno Editor, 1962). In 1969, the play O Verdugo took the Prêmio Anchieta, one of the most important in the country at the time. The Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte (APCA Prize) deemed Ficções (Edições Quíron, 1977) the best book of the year. In 1981, Hilda Hilst got the Grande Prêmio da Crítica para o Conjunto da Obra, by the same Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte. In 1984, the Câmara Brasileira do Livro awarded the Jabuti Prize for Cantares de Perda e Predileção; the following year the same book claimed the Prêmio Cassiano Ricardo (Clube de Poesia de São Paulo). Rútilo Nada, published in 1993, took the Jabuti Prize for best short story, and finally, on August 9, 2002, she was awarded at the 47th edition of the Prêmio Moinho Santista in the poetry category.

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