3 May 2013

Kajal Ahmad

Mimi Khalvati and Mina Swara read the poem Birds by Kajal Ahmad:


Según la clasificación más reciente, los kurdos
son ahora una especie de aves
y por eso, en las páginas rasgadas y amarillentas
de la historia, son nómadas moteados de caravanas.
¡Sí, los kurdos son aves! E incluso cuando
no queda ningún lugar, ni refugio para su dolor
se vuelven a la ilusión del viaje
entre los climas cálidos y fríos
de su tierra natal. Por eso, naturalmente,
no me parece raro que los kurdos vuelen.
Van de país en país
aunque nunca cumplan sus sueños de asentarse,
o formar una colonia. No construyen nidos
y ni en su aterrizaje final
visitan a Mevlana para preguntar por su salud,
ni se doblegan ante el polvo del suave viento, como Nali.

Traducido del inglés por Jesús Moreno.


According to the latest classification, Kurds
now belong to a species of bird
which is why, across the torn, yellowing pages
of history, they are nomads spotted by their caravans.
Yes, Kurds are birds! And even when
there's nowhere left, no refuge for their pain,
they turn to the illusion of travelling
between the warm and the cold climes
of their homeland. So naturally,
I don't think it strange that Kurds can fly.
They go from country to country
and still never realise their dreams of settling,
of forming a colony. They build no nests
and not even on their final landing
do they visit Mewlana to enquire of his health,
or bow down to the dust in the gentle wind, like Nali.*

* Refers to a famous line from Nali, 17th century poet:
I sacrifice myself to your dust - you gentle wind!
Messenger familiar with all of Sharazoor!

The literal translation of this poem was made by Choman Hardi
The final translated version of the poem is by Mimi Khalvati

Kajal Ahmad (1967, Kurdistan). She is a contemporary poet, writer and journalist who was born in Kirkuk. She started poetry in 1986 and journalism in 1992. In addition to poetry, she also writes commentary and analysis on social issues, women issues and politics. Her poems have been translated into Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Norwegian.
Works: 1. Benderî Bermoda, 1999; 2. Wutekanî Wutin ,1999; 3. Qaweyek le gel ev da; 2001; 4. Awênem şikand , 2004.

From here.

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